Action Plan with updates


*Comments and amendments


Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Reduce the Council’s emissions from buildings and operations



Delivering the Climate Change Strategy and training staff to ‘think green’

Deliver Carbon Literacy to staff to increase awareness of climate change/emergency. Staff will become certificated and create 2 pledges to reduce carbon emissions in the workplace

25% of staff trained by end of 2023 (complete)



Amend action: Achieve Silver Accreditation by end of 2025

Climate Change Team (CCT)/Officer

£10 per staff member to come from training budget


GIF for accreditation cost

Greener Futures Plan action point (52), Corporate Priority Environment Plan

First training session booked for 28th Sept for 24 members of staff

31 members of staff trained, as of 26th Jan 2023 – with 11 sessions booked in until Sept


Bronze criteria met, evidence ready for submission (summer 2024).


Amend action: Achieve Silver accreditation.


Ensure a robust reporting and monitoring progress for all SBC emissions 

To be able to better monitor and understand SBC emissions including Scope 3 and reduce these


Internal emission reporting through KPIs, expand current reporting to all Scope 1 and 2 emissions.


Work on including as many scope 3 emissions as possible.


Q4 2023


Q1 2025 (for scope 3, scope 1 and 2 are priority to meet our target)



Climate Change Team (CCT)



Working with Project Manager of Carbon Economics and Data at SCC on reporting process

Working with Corporate Document manager to create more automated   monitoring 


Yearly reporting is provided to SCC alongside all other districts and boroughs.

Quarterly reporting is carried out on gas and electricity internally.



Carry out energy audits on main Council operations buildings and assets to identify and reduce energy use

Utilise the energy audits carried out on Council buildings to inform future projects to increase energy efficiency measures across Council buildings including removing oil heating from nursery site

By 2025


On track to achieve


PSLCSF, however, there is the potential to mitigate or slow down the rate of increase in the Council’s energy spend

Corporate Priority Recovery Plan,

Audits carried out by APSE – projects to be planned to carry out suggested work


Autumn 2023 Energy audits have been carried out at the following sites (Stage 1):

·         Ashford Rec pavilion

·         Fordbridge Day Centre

·         Greeno Day Centre

·         Knowle Green Council Offices

·         Long Lane pavilion

·         Shepperton Village Hall

·         Staines Community Centre

·         Staines Park pavilion

·         White House Depot


Incorporate energy efficiency measures and renewables into conversions, refurbishments, and maintenance of Council buildings and housing developments

Identify projects that are in line for maintenance and explore opportunities to include carbon intervention measures and adaptation retrofits simultaneously e.g. cooling, rainwater harvesting, and water efficiency with consideration of associated air quality impacts




Corporate Recovery and Environment plan

Having trained in CLT 2 members of the Assets team who’s pledges improving the energy efficiency of buildings.


Ongoing work at KG and Nursery. 80% of all lighting has now changed to LED (KG)

Remaining fluorescent lights in store cupboards or areas with little/no access.


Carry out an energy and carbon audit of all Corporate IT functions

Understand the hidden emissions of ICT and develop a plan to reduce these



Extend to Q1 2025


Green Initiatives Fund (GIF) for possible consultant work if required


Investigating consultants that can undertake this work (through APSE energy)


Deliver lighting upgrades and improvements to heating, ventilation and air conditioning, all remaining lighting in Council buildings to be replaced with LEDs where appropriate

Reduce energy use in Council buildings, could also reduce the Council’s energy expenditure





Loft insulation recently upgraded in KG


80% of all lighting has now changed to LED (KG)

Remaining fluorescent lights in store cupboards or areas with little/no access.


Meter water usage across Council buildings and install water saving devices and consider behaviour change methods

Reduction of water usage across SBC operations will the possibility of reducing water bills also




Water Efficiency Policy

Water contract in process of being switched to Laser where water use will be tracked better


Moving away from Castle at scheduled contract end of September 2024.

Awarding supplier who is on the framework - LASER preparing.



Complete remaining EPC surveys for all Council sites in the commercial portfolio and assess against the requirements of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

Allow assessment of sites and determine if any insulation work is required to reduce energy use





Corporate Priority Environment Plan and Recovery Plan

Ahead of schedule: 98% complete - 3 sites left to go (access barrier)

Next stage is to start with D rated properties and bring to at least C rated.



Produce as much energy locally through renewable resources

All opportunities for renewables in Spelthorne explored and developed where feasible including solar and geothermal


Initially CCT

Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund

Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (41)

Solar PV now on all 3 main operational buildings


Investigating opportunities for solar on car parks


Consider approaches to decarbonising buildings owned by Spelthorne but leased to others

Reduce Scope 3 emissions




Public Sector Low Carbon Skills Fund


Sunbury Leisure Centre Awarded funding by Sports England to decarbonise.


Applied for Low Carbon Skills Fund in February 2024 but unsuccessful.



Although Spelthorne does not own any council housing, the Council will work with Knowle Green Estate and suppliers to promote retrofit, insulation, energy efficiency and adaptation measures

Work with Knowle Green Estates and social housing providers to reduce emissions from social housing through energy efficiency measures and reduce residents’ bills, whilst recognising the need for appropriate mechanical ventilation to maintain indoor air quality in some circumstances


Housing/CCO/Knowle Green Estates


External buy in from social housing providers needed.


Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund

50% match funding would be required

50% match funding would be required.


Properties bought under Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) have been transferred to KGE.




Council decision-making report template to contain Sustainability/Climate Change Impact section to ensure that every new proposal is aligned with our Climate Emergency commitment

All reports/projects across the Council consider the climate change implications of a future report/project and work to reduce impact, this may require training to understand the full impacts



Amend action: Remove as complete



Corporate Priority Environment Plan



Create new climate change officer role




Amend action: Remove as complete

Group Head Transformation

First-year salary from Green Initiatives Fund

Corporate Priority Environment Plan



Deliver climate change communications to residents

Work with Hubbub to create communications regarding climate change, to raise awareness and help educate residents about the issues

By end of 2022


Amended action: 2 yearly progress report until 2030 target



Corporate Priority Environment Plan

Communications delivered to residents via social media.

Council webpage updated (this is now business as usual)


Amended action: Every 2 years publish a strategy update



Create a dedicated digital space to share knowledge, information and tools on the climate and ecological emergency

Demonstrate that SBC is tackling climate change is a key issue for SBC and allow easy access to resources for staff and residents

By Q3 of 2023



Amended action: By Q4 2025


Comms team/ICT/




New web pages designed and updates with relevant and educational information (complete)


Amended action: Create an online climate hub alongside redesign for website



Develop a green event checklist for event companies and suppliers to report their carbon footprint for Spelthorne events

Allow SBC to influence suppliers to reduce emissions and to choose suppliers who are actively tackling their emissions. It will also feed into SBC Scope 3 emissions reporting



Push this target to align with Scope 3 emissions Q1 2025






Raise awareness and work to ensure all staff reduce unnecessary emissions

Reduce the energy usage and emissions from unnecessary sources such as leaving equipment on standby


All staff



Staff undergoing Carbon Literacy training as well as updates at staff meetings

Working towards silver accreditation for Carbon Literacy.

Training is now mandatory for all staff.


Develop a policy of serving only plant-based catering with a priority on local, seasonal sourcing at events on corporate sites.




Reduce emissions from meat and dairy food, which are significant contributors of GHG emissions and deforestation, and raise awareness within the Council and borough of plant based diets



Amend action: Remove this action




National Food Strategy

Action part complete: Food no longer being served at regularly internal committees.



Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Reduce emissions from transport within Spelthorne


Transition the Council fleet to electric. Convert 50% of the Council fleet to electric or hydrogen by 2028

Dramatically reduce the Council’s emissions as transport makes up to 53% of total Council emissions


Neighbours Services/CCT

Top up from GIF

Corporate Priority Environment Plan and Recovery Plan, Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (39)

2 EV pool cars, 2 EV vans, 2 EV mopeds are already in fleet


Spelride Electric vehicle added as part of electric fleet


Aug 2024 Report from NS on HVO fuel


Track Council vehicle mileage to better understand the Council’s carbon and air pollutant emissions

Understand emissions and air pollution hot spots and work to reduce emissions

Early 2024

Principal Pollution Control Manager/

Neighbourhood Services/CCT

Modelling may require budget – GIF

Corporate Priority Environment Plan, Air Quality Management Area

Air Quality Plan undergoing consultation – this could inform later work


Promote sustainable transport with staff including, staff homeworking to reduce travel and exploring schemes offering Council employees and other alternatives to flying such as Climate Perks

Reducing emissions from unnecessary travel and highlighting to staff more sustainable choices

End of 2022



Amend Action: 2025



Corporate Priority Environment Plan, Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (50,51)

Part complete: Hybrid working in place as well salary sacrifice schemes for EVs and bicycles new promotion of sustainable travel for staff


Amend action: Projects team/HR to look into electric bike/cycle to work scheme


Improve EV infrastructure, providing more EV charging points and stations, dedicated parking bays and information to improve access throughout Borough to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles

Develop an EV charging strategy to increase the amount chargers in the borough to promote and aid the transition to EVs



Strategy - Q2 2023


Amend Action: Implement the strategy by 2030


ORCS and LEVI funding for ChargePoint, EST can provide free help with strategy

Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (39), Health and Wellbeing Strategy

On-street EV trial with SCC


EV strategy adopted (2023)



Deliver EV taxi programme to encourage taxi companies and drivers to invest in electric fleets

Decrease emissions from short journeys especially around schools where taxis are frequent


Principal Pollution Control Officer/Licencing/


Pilot scheme funding from DEFRA via a joint project with the Surrey Air Alliance

Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (20)

Feasibility of project being reviewed due to funding restraints.


Taxi Licensing policy to being consulted on with new vehicle emissions amendment (August 2024).


Support residents and businesses to adopt clean vehicles and car-sharing

Promoting the use of active transport over shorter distances to reduce car usage in shorter journeys and support via relevant organisations an increase in public transport



Remove this action



Corporate Priority Environment Plan

Coordinated approach to cycling internal steering group created (Climate team, Environmental Health, Leisure Team, SCC, Talking Tree)


Remove action: This is an ongoing action and therefore business as usual, not a set target.



Implement the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

Increasing opportunities for exercise through walking and cycling and improving air quality by reducing car dependency, promoting walking and cycling as alternatives to car use and improving walking and cycling infrastructure within the Borough including developing opportunities for bike maintenance and servicing





Surrey Infrastructure Fund/GIF

Corporate Priority Environment Plan, Corporate Priority Recovery Plan, Health and Wellbeing Strategy


Design feasibility study of phase 1 is the first step of implementation. The design feasibility study will be finalised end of 2024, phases 2 and 3 still need detailed.


The main document may also be reviewed and updated in the future.


Promoting sustainable travel, including actively supporting improvements to public transport access to Heathrow and sustainable travel to school

Providing active travel options for residents to access Heathrow, a large employer, reducing private car emissions to airport



Remove this action



Corporate Priority Environment Plan

Surrey CC's Safer Travel Team are active in this area with a dedicated officer who works on this via the Surrey Air Alliance


Remove action: This is an ongoing action and therefore business as usual, not a set target.



Continue to lobby at a national and regional level for the changes that are needed and on the big strategic infrastructure decisions such as Heathrow Airport’s third runway and changes to the regulation and operation of UK airspace

Decrease the large national and regional impact of air travel emissions and associated pollution in the borough



Remove this action


Environmental Health


Corporate Priority Environment Plan

SBC is active on HSPG Environment Group


Remove action: This is an ongoing action and therefore business as usual, not a set target.


Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Reduce the impact of the Council’s finance and investments by having responsible investments  



Influence and work with Surrey County Council to have a portfolio of responsible pension investments

Work with and influence Surrey County Council to divestment from fossil fuels and climate destructive industries and invest in environmentally friendly income streams


CCT/Finance/Surrey CC


Corporate Priority Environment Plan, Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (49), Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Pledge from the Chief Finance Officer to lobby Surrey Local government Pension fund to move to disinvest from fossil fuels


Develop an ESG policy for Council investments

Divert investment from fossil fuels and climate destructive industries towards sustainable investments

Policy in place by end of 2022 applied by 2027




Investments currently being renewed by our investment manager in line with the ESG policy produced with finance


Policy in place. Working towards the 2027 implementation.


Investigate renewable energy opportunities and investments including the potential for solar and wind

Have a portfolio of opportunities for renewable energy development ready to go



Amend action: 2029


GIF for feasible studies, PSDS

Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (41)

Currently investigating solar opportunities, specifically related to car parks.


Using Local Area Energy Mapping to identify potential.


Investigating heat network potential in Staines (feasibility study by SCC)


Sustainable procurement of goods and services - understand the Council’s supply chains, contractors and service providers/stakeholders and specify (when tendering) sustainable practices and products within them including being responsive to climate risks in procurement

Organisational development and training for key lead officers in commissioning and procurement, including training on low carbon procurement and sustainable policy







Corporate Priority Recovery Plan Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (48)

CCO now sits on Procurement Board to advise any future procurement projects of how to make more sustainable choices also reviewed our procurement procedure to ensure environment and sustainability implications are considered during each stage of procurement.


Amended action: To creating a sustainable procurement policy and training on this


Work and partner with other local authorities, regional bodies and public sector institutions to attract investment and grant funding, using this to share knowledge and maximise opportunities

Maximise any funding opportunities/projects to reduce emissions in Spelthorne and adapt to climate change







Continue meeting with SCC Climate Change officers to discuss funding options.


Created a Spelthorne web page with grants that local community groups can apply for.


Working with universities, such as Royal Holloway, on grant applications.


Supportive of applications made by SCC on behalf of Districts & Boroughs.

Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Creating sustainable development in Spelthorne



Adopt the highest possible environmental standards within development planning, including standards for adaptation to climate change and develop integrated guidance on planning.


Encourage more sustainable developments in Spelthorne and reduce the need for intervention in future 


Building Control/Planning/



Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (38)

Building Control are aware of any updates to building standards regulations and ensure standards are rigorously applied


Climate SPD adopted at Council (2024)


Develop the first ‘wet and dry’ Passivhaus accredited leisure facility in the UK

Deliver a state-of-the-art facility that will use 70% less energy than the current leisure centre

Q2 2024




Construction has started on site


On track to be completed in 2024.



Develop a Green Infrastructure strategy to support the Local Plan

Directly deliver and encourage the implementation of green infrastructure for climate risks of flooding, heat and water stress. Including green roofs and walls, Sustainable Drainage schemes (SuDS) and rainwater harvesting. Green roofs and walls could provide carbon sink opportunities and reduce ambient particulate concentrations



Amend action: Develop in 2025 for adoption in 2026

Senior Strategic Planning Officer/CCT


Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Corporate Priority Environment Plan

Green Infrastructure will be developed by Strategic Planning officer


Amend action: Timeline change due to local plan delay. Develop in 2025 for adoption in 2026




Ensure there is a net increase in biodiversity on all developments

Have a list of areas within Spelthorne where large-scale and/or off-site Biodiversity Net Gain (expected to come into force in winter 2023) can take place

Q1 2023


Q1 2024 (delayed by central government)

Biodiversity officer/Planning

BNG funding

Environmental Bill

List of possible BNG sites being created


3 council owned land identified for BNG habitat banks. Preparations of sites are underway.


Additional sites to be investigated.


Promoting residential development that is sustainably located with access to existing services and transport hubs

Creation of 20-minute neighbourhoods, where daily services can be accessed within a 20-minute walk 




Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (17), Local Plan - SP1, SP2 and SP3 and EC3

Creation of Climate Change SPD.


Climate Change Policies in the new Local Plan which is awaiting adoption.


Implement cool roofs across the Council’s housing and corporate estate where appropriate, considering options for white and green roofs

Cool roofs will reduce the building temperature during increasingly hotter weather and uses less energy for cooling









Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Create a sustainable economy within Spelthorne 


Create a green business forum for Spelthorne businesses providing support through workshops, advice and grant funding to develop sustainable future-proofed businesses

Reduce emissions from businesses in Spelthorne and provide support for businesses to become more sustainable and reduce their risk of exposure from climate risks


CCT/Economic Development

Levelling up fund

Corporate Priority Recovery Plan


SustainSpelthorne programe underway

After identifying areas where reductions can be made, we can direct them to grants from new Loan scheme for businesses (beginning Summer 2024)


Amend action: Combine actions 39, 40 and 42.



Encourage businesses in Spelthorne to be leaders in reducing emissions and tackling climate change, and to showcase good practice.


Amend action (additional wording): Conduct research with local businesses to understand barriers, and provide access to grant funding.


Demonstrate Council’s commitment to tackling climate change while working with major businesses to reduce emissions in the borough




Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (32)

Net Zero free courses promoted, some run in Youth Hub, 3 days run in Business Hub to with advice to reduce costs


SustainSpelthorne programe underway

After identifying areas where reductions can be made, we can direct them to grants from new Loan scheme for businesses (beginning Summer 2024).


Amend action: Combine actions 39, 40 and 42 



Continue to promote LoCASE, which offers grants to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for energy efficiency measures

Allow SMEs funding to access energy efficiency measures which may have otherwise not have been possible to reduce emissions




Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (10)

LoCASE funding continues to be very successful, since funding introduced estimated the 84.66 tonnes has been saved by local SMEs




Conduct research with local businesses to better understand motivations and barriers to reducing emissions

Provide opportunities for local companies to pilot and adopt low-carbon solutions





Corporate Priority Environment Plan

SustainSpelthorne programe underway.

After identifying areas where reductions can be made, we can direct them to grants from new Loan scheme for businesses (beginning Summer 2024)


Amend action: Combine actions 39, 40 and 42.


Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Reduce the waste produced in the Spelthorne and emissions from waste


Carry out campaigns, projects, and prototypes to increase recycling rates for target materials, resident groups, and locations

An increase in the rate of Spelthorne recycling rate figures to be provided once the National Waste Strategy has been published



Remove this action

Neighbourhood services/CCT


Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (64), Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy

2 campaign have run since Sept – once focusing on food waste the other on recycling


This is an ongoing action and therefore business as usual, not a set target.



Improve recycling in flats and multi occupancies, especially around food waste and general contamination

An increase in the number of households within the district actively recycling everything they can and improving access to food waste collections for more residential customers



Amend Action: 2026 target to reflect government change in recycling plans

Neighbourhood services


Corporate Priority Environment Plan

There has been an increase in waste recycling uptake, and improvements made to access the service by introducing to properties where not previously provided.


Amend Action: The governments simpler recycling plans will see the introduction of food waste rolled out in all domestic properties by 2026 which supports this action.


Reduce food waste from Council operations such as events and community centre 

Reduction of food waste from Council operations reducing methane emissions



Amend action: 2025 

Independent Living/CCT


Corporate Priority Communities Plan

Part complete: Food waste bins introduced to Knowle Green Offices, and no longer serve food at majority of committee/Council events


Work towards reducing food waste in other operations e.g. community centres (extend target year)



Support schemes to reduce food waste within the community and local businesses and redistribute surplus food

Surplus food redistributed via schemes such as community fridges, reducing methane emissions and securing food reliance


CCT/Neighbourhood Services/Community Wellbeing


Corporate Priority Communities Plan

This is an ongoing action and therefore business as usual, not a set target.


Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Help develop sustainable communities in Spelthorne


Continue to promote and provide support for residents to access energy efficiency/fuel poverty grant schemes

Reduce fuel poverty in Spelthorne, making homes more energy efficient and decrease carbon emissions from heating

Ongoing (based on funding availability)





Sustainable Warmth/

ECO4 Flex

Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (5)

Ongoing work with Action Surrey


Targeted campaign approach in Spelthorne, working with Action Surrey (HUG1, HUG2, LAD3)


Solar Together Phase 3 starting in June 2024.


Enforce minimum energy efficiency standards for the private rented sector

Improving the energy efficiency of housing in Spelthorne reducing the need for excess energy



Amend action: 2024

Environmental Health/Assets


Corporate Priority Affordable Housing Plan

Environmental Health Enforcement Policy approved by Committee.



Continue to expand the walking and cycling networks across the district and promote active travel and promote 20-minute neighbours

Increasing opportunities for exercise through walking and cycling and improving air quality by reducing car dependency, promoting walking and cycling as alternatives to car use and improving walking and cycling infrastructure within the Borough




Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (17)


Involved in Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure programme and opportunities for walking and cycling being incorporated into River Thames scheme plans. 





Engage with the charity and voluntary sector to align efforts on tackling the climate emergency and improving air quality

Continue to work with organisations such as Talking Tree to tackle the climate emergency and Global Action Plan to promote Clean Air Day



Amend action: 2030+

CCT/Pollution Control


Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (23)

Jan 24th 2024: Clean Air Night run by Global Action Plan promoted on socials.


Application for DEFRA air quality grant funding to support Global Action Plan’s Clean Air Night campaign in January 2025.  Notification as unsuccessful in bid.


Looking to undertake some ‘backpack’ (portable device) air quality monitoring in Spelthorne.


Work with social housing providers to accelerate low carbon measures for social housing

Encourage social housing providers to undertake energy efficiency measures – reducing emissions


Amend action: 2030+ (due to scope 3 action)




Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund

Corporate Priority Affordable Housing Plan

50% match funding would be required.

Need A2 Dominion to lead due to ownership.


Promote access to grant funding for renewable energy installations for residents including Solar Together

Create opportunities for residents to install renewable energy and reduce the demand for fossil fuels

Ongoing (based on funding availability)




Solar Together

Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (5)

Continue to promote Solar Together


Solar Together being renewed for Phase 3.



Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Protecting biodiversity and restoring healthy ecosystems which help mitigate climate change


Protect existing habitat and increase targeted habitat to support biodiversity recovery in open spaces

Ensure at least 10% of SBC’s open space portfolio is long grass or similarly “wild” habitat



Amend action: 2025 (This work will continue and future use of software will help to identify %)

Biodiversity officer/

Neighbourhood Services


Corporate Priority Environment Plan

Plans for wildflowers meadows Spring 2024 - make improvements at sites


Amend action: Discussions on how to map habitat across the borough (software investigations)


Develop a range of projects that contribute to tackling the ecological emergency, nature-based solutions, and habitat restoration, restoring and protecting nature, managing our land to provide greater biodiversity to encourage wildlife and insect populations

Create sustainable management practices in open spaces for example increase wildflower planting and composting and reduce the use of fertilisers and chemicals which have a large global warming potential



Biodiversity officer/Parks team



Meadows as above

Sustainable management practices:

- Do not use herbicides on council meadows

- Logs left on site where appropriate 

- New compost pile at Rivermead Island - Sunbury & Ashlink - compost piles and bug hotels


Promote the inclusion of trees in the built environment to mitigate the localised urban heat island effect by providing shade and cooling ecosystem services

New developments to incorporate roadside and garden tree planting with species selected for their environmental and biodiversity benefits




Biodiversity officer



50 trees to be planted as part of SBC’s 50th anniversary


Compile a list and assess the current carbon sinks within the borough, and develop a plan to protect, support and improve these sinks

Improving the carbon sequestering ability of the borough



Amend action: 24/25

CCT/Biodiversity officer



Discussions on how to map habitat across the borough (software investigations)


Amend action to 24/25


Incorporate an appreciation of climate change risks and opportunities within open space management planning

Review planting schemes to reduce the use of short-term plants and trees chosen for appearances and promote the use of plants and trees with greater climate adaptation resilience and biodiversity benefits, particularly for bees, moths, butterflies and other pollinators



Biodiversity officer/Parks team


Corporate Priority Environment Plan

Wildflower meadows - moved to a more sustainable seed mix, longer lasting, 100% native, UK sourced.


Moved away from weed spray


Promote and develop greening resources for residents to encourage greater biodiversity and ‘green the grey’ in private spaces

Provide quick-win incentives for residents to plant biodiversity-friendly species, such as distributing seeds and bulbs



Amend action: We will continue this work

Biodiversity officer



2 of the new wildflower meadows in Stanwell where there is a lack of green


Comms on sustainable gardening included in the 2024 Summer bulletin


Work with partners such as Colne Valley Trust to deliver biodiversity and climate change projects

Develop opportunities to create carbon sink initiatives within the Borough, including landscaping, retaining and expanding existing woodland, and more tree planting





Biodiversity officer


Priority Environment Plan

SBC re-joined Colne Valley Partnership and are continuing this relationship.


Biodiversity Officer attends Forum

Work on the Staines Moor.


Work with local community organisations to develop and promote opportunities for residents to learn about the borough’s biodiversity more widely

Encourage the creation of “Friends of…” groups engagement and awareness of biodiversity in the borough 




Biodiversity officer


Priority Environment Plan

Biodiversity officer meets with Friends of groups.



Conserving urban open spaces and green infrastructure which are a contributor to managing surface water run-off, holding floodwaters, and reducing soil erosion

Promote grassland habitat diversity and support the connectivity of pollinator habitats while protecting soil, a large carbon sink, from erosion



Amend action: 2030+

CCT/Biodiversity officer


Priority Environment Plan

Wildflower meadows

Strategize future zones



Embed natural capital and land use opportunities designed to sequester increased carbon emissions into all appropriate infrastructure and development schemes, countryside estate management plans and land management policies

Encourage new developments to have a positive climate and biodiversity impact



Biodiversity officer


Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (68), Local Plan E1

Local Plan, Climate SPD, BNG


Return Sweeps Ditch to a gravity fed stream

Reduce the energy use and emissions from running the Sweeps Ditch pump 24/7



Amend action: Pushing target to 2030+ due to complexities of task and number of agencies involved

SO/Biodiversity Officer





Provide a home for wildlife around Council assets, through wildlife friendly planting and the provision of items such as bat and bird boxes and insect hotels

Increase of biodiversity around Council assets, demonstrating the Council’s commitment to improving biodiversity in the area and leading by example



Amend action: 2025

Biodiversity officer



Looking into options around council buildings.


Key Action


Key Task

Desired Outcome



Funding (if required)

Linked strategy


Adaptation – plan for the changes in the climate including flooding, drought, and heatwaves


Continue to work with partners on the River Thames Scheme Working with the Environment Agency and other partners to deliver the River Thames (Flood Relief) Scheme and other flood mitigation initiatives

Protect Spelthorne from future flooding



Amend action: Work to be completed in 2029


Capital commitment currently of £1.3m

Corporate Priority Environment Plan, Risk Register

Formal consultation commenced in January 2024. 


SBC officers have ongoing involvement in this scheme.


Work with Surrey County Council to develop a Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Plan

Prepare for risks from climate change including heatwaves, droughts, flooding, supply chain disruption, invasive species



Amend action: Remove as complete



Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (66)

CCO on SCC working group feeding into Adaptation plan


Action complete: Surrey have published adaptation and resilience strategy


Work with social care, education and children’s services providers on future impacts on vulnerable adults and children

Ensure that buildings are suitable for rising temperatures and are protected during heatwaves



Amend action: 2030

CCT/Family Support Team


Corporate Priority Communities Plan

Amend action: increase time frame (this is scope 3 emisisons)



Communicate climate risks including flood, heat, fire, and drought to residents and explain the actions they can take

Help residents understand the risks of climate change, what they can do to reduce the risks and how to protect themselves 






Risk Register

November 2023: Comms posted during flood action week (7th-13th November)


Continue working with comms on materials for residents



Maintain and build on food resilience and networks developed in response to Covid-19, to ensure effective redistribution of food when needed

Surplus food redistributed via schemes such as community fridges, reducing methane emissions and securing food reliance



Amend action: 2030+ (continue with this work post the target date if successful in additional funding)


Neighbourhood Services/

Community Wellbeing


Corporate Priority Communities Plan

Working with community group Talking Tree on urban food growing (Incredible Edible Spelthorne)




Deliver where feasible, circular water systems that reuse grey water in new development, and integrated water management strategies (IWMS) in large-scale developments

Increase grey-water storage infrastructure capacity year on year




Local Plan



Continue to achieve sustainable flood mitigations for surface water flooding from new development

Trial incentives for private driveways to be converted to green space for ecological gain




Local Plan E3

Included in the new Local Plan which is awaiting adoption.


Encourage the retrofitting of cool roofs by residents and businesses, targeting areas with strong urban heat island effects tree and shrub planting where appropriate to provide shelter from extreme weather

Decrease the heat island effect in the borough and the heat vulnerability



Amend action: 2030 (due to scope 3 emission source)





Corporate Priority Environment Plan